Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas with Brian's Fam

We celebrated Christmas with Brian's family on Christmas Eve morning. It was wonderful and low key which was nice. We opened presents once everyone arrived.
James (2) patiently waited his turn to open a present

He especially loved someones finger in the last picture, but also seemed to enjoy his new truck

and Claire (7) liked her DVD

Johanna had fun opening presents, although she kept wanted to steal James' truck.
Yes, I am wearing the crazy but comfy pajama pants!

Stephanie seemed to like her gifts. However, Carrie (Brian's only older sis) loved her "Corn Poop" shirt that Brian bought her for her birthday (the 22nd) which she is sporting in this photo. It says "Corn Poop. One of life's great mysteries (or something like that)!
James also really liked his new train set (his parents got him). Brian's dad built the table it is on, which I think is pretty cool.
After a great potato soup lunch and a good game of Apples to Apples, it was time to go home. It was a fun and relaxing day! It's kind of weird to think that since then we have another member of the family- Evelyn Grace who was born to Margaret (Brian's sis) and Mike (her husband) on December 28th. I have blogged about her (welcome to this world), so check it out!

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