Wednesday, June 25, 2008

what is wrong with the world today...

I am coming off a very frustrating experience, so please excuse the ranting. Or, you could just agree with me and make me feel better.

Johanna got sick on Sunday. It started with a fever over 102. By Monday morning it was over 104 and not coming down much at all with medicine. She wouldn't eat or drink and just wanted to lay on one of us (which is very unusual if you know Johanna). Luckily it was Brian's day off because I am in charge of music for VBS at my church this week. When I cam home in between segments of VBS, Johanna was lying on Brian (for about 1.5 hours before I got home) with a fever of about 104. We had to make the tough decision of whether or not we should take her to the emergency room. We decided it was better to go then than to end up in the ER in the middle of the night.

Let me tell you why this is so annoying-----
Johanna DID NOT need to go to the emergency room. She needed to be seen by a doctor. You might be thinking- "don't you have a pediatrician?" The answer is yes. However, my pediatricians office ended their relationship with our insurance company. We immediately switched to a new company that they will take, but they would not allow the switch to take affect until July 1st. So, early Monday morning I called my doctors office where the lovely (aka rude and unhelpful) nurses refused to even offer advice or make an appointment for my daughter to see the only doctor she has known for a year and a half.
I said, "so you're telling me that there is no way that you can help me even though you are my child's doctor's office and she had a temp of over 104?" and they said "yes."I then called my family doctor (of 20 years) because I knew they took the insurence that we were still technically covered by until the end of the month. I told them what was going on and they refused to help saying that they had no time to see new patients that day. Both offices informed me that they couldn't help me and that I should just take Johanna to the emergency room.

What a nice picture of the customer service that is so prevalent in our healthcare industry.

We ended up at the ER at about 7:30 where she ended up having a CBC and chest x-rays. It was horrible. She got stuck 5 times to get the blood and they never could get the IV in. Thankfully the staff at the ER was very understanding and helpful, especially after I told them our situation.

She seemed to be much better on Tuesday. No really fever (99.4 was the highest). She still wasn't eating good, but was walking and talking. Today she woke up with a little fever again (101) and a rash all over her tummy. I once again called all the doctors offices and pleaded for help to no avail. The free clinic won't take us because we have insurence.

I pray we don't end up in the emergency room again. So, even though this will technically not be a problem anymore after July 1st, I am still outraged by the situation. I think I may be looking for anyother pediatrician. It's too bad becasue the actual doctor has been pretty great. I don't think he knows the extent to which his staff can be rude and unhelpful.

Thus concludes another example of what is wrong with the world today.


Erika said...

Soooo sorry that happened to you! So frustrating anyway, but when you have a sick baby - it's far worse. As for the rash, occurs VERY commonly with viruses - especially one that bad. As long as it doesn't seem to be itchy. I wouldn't worry about it. We've had that, too. Happens a lot with Bryce actually.

Hang in there. She will be well again someday! Long viruses are the WORST!!!

Amanda West said...

I COMPLETELY understand!! Remember last month (?) when Brynn had that rash and fever? Chad took her in to see the doctor and it turned out that she had a virus and the fever and the rash were her body's way of fighting off the virus. My mom said I had that happen quite a bit when I was little too. She'll be ok!!