Enough complaining for now!
Johanna is doing well. She is talking sooooooo much. We still don't have our computer back from Worst Buy, uh, I mean Best Buy. I have some really cute pictures and videos to post. She LOVES playing with some old stuffed animals from when I was little. She puts diapers on them and treats them like babies. She puts them in the high chair to feed them, and she even shares her snacks and drinks with them. She loves to listen to "Songs, songs" which is what she calls music. She has always been a dancer, but now she dances with her stuffed animals. It is sooooooo cute!
About a week ago, she found my beloved stuffed peguin, Pete, which I got when I was four. He was definitely my security blanket while growing up. Ok, ok, I'll admit that he slept on my bed until I got married. Pretty embarrassing, but I guess we all have small ways of haning onto the good parts of our childhood. I have been saving him to give to her when she gets older. But, she found him in our bedroom. It was while I was at work, but Brian was still home with her. I got a text from Brian showing Pete with a diaper on! She has been attached to "penin" ever since. It is so special to see her love something that was so special to me.
Fun recent events-
- I took Johanna to the zoo with my friend Beth and her son Hunter. We had a blast! Johanna loved all the animals, especially the "penins."
- Johanna pooped on the potty for the first time on Sunday Oct. 5 (this is mostly for my own personal recording of important dates, so I apologize if this grosses you out!). We celebrated and gave her candy. We aren't really potty training, but we are fostering her own interest. Since Sunday, she has not even been to interested in even sitting on the potty. However, I think this might be due to the next tidbit....
- Johanna has the chicken pox! Yup, I missed most of the day on Friday and have been a hermit ever since. We have gotten out for a few walks and to go through the drive through at the bank. She seems to be doing ok so far. Please pray that she doesn't get worse.
I think that is all the main stuff so now. I wish that I could load some pics, but you will have to wait until we get our computer back (that story will be a whole other post).
I hope that everyone is doing well, and that my readers stick with me even though I am gone more than I used to be.
Things to look forward to seeing on this blog...
- Johanna's haloween costume
- Trip to Ramsier Farms (did I spell that right)- if you are from Woo, you probably know what this is. Ya know, that HUGE place with the corn maze and lots of fun stuff!
- All the pictures that you have been missing since we don't have a computer!!!
- Christmas Ideas Blog
- Freezer Meal book idea- need some comments when I do this one!