Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Party Time!

.......a Potty Party that is!!! Here are some before pictures. I'll post some during pictures at the end of the week.

Here is the main potty party set-up

A sign to remind her about using the potty

Her sticker chart and stickers

Let's not forget the prizes!! The orange bag candy treats are for tinkles, and the black bag bigger prizes are for the big deuce!!

Last, but not least...the snacks to make her want to drink a lot. I am so cruel!

We started out day one (Monday) by gathering all the diapers and packaging them up for the "diaper fairy" to take to all the babies who still need to wear diapers. She was very into this! We then put on a pair of "big girl" panties and she got to open her "potty presents." She started playing with the doll right away. She was very into feeding the doll and then making the doll go on the potty! We watched the potty time Elmo video which is actually pretty cute. She was very into the idea, but I knew she really didn't understand yet. She held it most of the morning, but between 10 and 12 she peed through 6 pair of underwear! Luckily, after lunch she had a success. She started recognizing the she was going right after she started and I was able to get her on the potty before it all came out! I later found out from other moms that this was pretty good for day one!

By day two she was having a more of what she did on day one. I was beginning to question whether or not she "got it" or if she needed to have more time (wait until summer), but that evening she had a HUGE success. She told me she had to "tinkle potty" and she made it to the potty for the whole thing. This was VERY exciting!!!

Today (day three) was great in my eyes. She had only one minor accident this morning while we were baking cupcakes. She peed in the potty the rest of the day (Praise the Lord)! She even stayed dry on a long trip to pick up Brian's truck from the mechanic's house.

I know that we will still have set-backs, and I am not trying to night-train yet, but I am soooooo proud of my little girl. She is such a trooper and didn't give up, even when she got frustrated. I pray she continues to have perseverance throughout her life.

My little girl is growing up.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Potty Time

The time is finally here. I am going to start trying to potty train Johanna starting tomorrow. I have everything ready (I even took pics which I will post later) including candy, prizes, elmo potty book, elmo potty dvd, salty snacks (like pretzels) to ensure lots of drinking, flushable wipes, juice boxes, a couple potty's, and hopefully an extra dose of patience! I will keep everyone posted!