Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

I must say that I am pretty impressed that within a few days I have posted enough stuff to get me caught up to just this last week. Three cheers for me and a pat on the back. I would probably prefer a cookie as my reward, but that wouldn't go so well with my diet plan, which already isn't going so well.

So, Valentines Day was pretty interesting at the Miller household. I had to miss most of the day of student teaching because Brian had hurt his back and was basically immobile. I went in at 6:30 and came home at about 8 to get her up and to my sisters house for the day. I then went home and got things ready to take Brian to the doctor. We were there for several hours, went home, ate a late lunch, and I went back to school in time to get papers for the long weekend and do bus duty. I then had to pick Johanna up, take her home, pick up my sisters kids, go to the YMCA for spinning class, go home, and finally eat dinner! Whoo!

Brian and I did have time in the evening to exchange gifts/ cards. He got a gift for me and Johanna. Johanna loves her stuffed bear that says "Princess". I got pampered chef stuff, a bear, and some chocolates (which go very well with my diet). Johanna went to bed, and Brian and I settled in for a movie. We watched Disturbia, which I thought was pretty good. It was very suspenseful. I had to get up and walk around a few times!

It was a crazy day, but a good one. I am sure that Halmark is still basking in the glory of making millions on a manufactured holiday (still not as bad as sweetest day). But, what you all have really been waiting for is the pics. So, here they are!!

Check out the "cheese" face in the last picture. I have a billion pictures with her making this face. She thinks it's pretty hilarious. Who I am to argue!


Amanda West said...

Love the CHEESE face!!!

Amanda West said...

I was all proud of you for getting caught up... are we going to get a St. Patty's Day post?? ;o)