Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 things I learned by 30

I figured my 30th birthday would be a good time to reintroduce myself to the blogging world. Oh blog, how I have missed you. It has been a long time.

I have to admit that I am sort of nervous about reentering this world. This has previously been a fun outlet for me (and a great way to keep friends/ relatives updated on miller life), but there are some things in life that are just too difficult to write about. So, we will just skip over all that stuff and get back to our regularly scheduled fun and poor attempts at sarcasm and humor :-)

So, without any further ado- 30 things I learned by 30:

1. Trampolines are fun no matter how old you are

2. I TOTALLY take back all the times I didn't want to nap when I was younger

3. Anytime that I decide to stay up late to do something fun, my child will either 1)wake up needing something right after I actually go to sleep or 2)think that 6:30 a.m. is breakfast time. Probably both.

4. It's ok if someone doesn't like me and has no bearing on how I feel about myself.

5. There is a lot that I DON'T know

6. Good intentions don't always yield good results and they don't justify bad decisions

7. What I want isn't always (or even usually) what God wants for me. Thankfully he knows better than I do. I have to remind myself of this everyday.

8. Take a deep breath- Nothing is as big of a deal as it seems to be at the moment.

9. Gilmore Girls is AWESOME and can always make me smile.

10. Sometimes you have to give yourself a break. Each situation has a good, better, and best action. Sometimes all I have in me is to accomplish "good" and that is ok.

11. All natural peanut butter rocks my world

12. Being a parent is the greatest blessing and the most difficult job EVER.

13. The things that frustrate me most about my child are things I dislike about myself

14. Don't buy cheap paper towels- It's not worth it.

15. Really true good friends are few and far between and they are a blessing from God.

16. Sometimes what people need to hear is not what they want to hear. A good friend will tell you what you need to hear.

17. I don't know where I'd be without 1) God and 2) my family. They see me at my worst and still love me.

18. Feeling competitive with friends is stupid and unfortunately common among women. Thankfully I outgrew this in my mid twenties.

19. Contentment is about attitude and not circumstance. I think I will learn this throughout life.

20. Cute shoes are worth the pain...maybe I'll change my opinion before 40

21. Don't look at other people's lives with envy or judgement. Everyone has their own "stuff" to deal with- including you.

22. If I focus on helping others, my problems are put into perspective

23. Laughter is the BEST medicine. Snorting rolling on the floor laughter. Hang onto the people that can take you there!

24. I cannot change anyone but myself

25. I have the cutest, funniest, and sweetest kid in the world!

26. Be honest. Lying to "protect" someone is often an excuse to do something you shouldn't.

27. Coffee is one of the greatest things EVER

28. Make new friends but keep the old- one is silver and the other gold (thank you girl scout days)

29. Regardless of what everyone says, remembering middle school math helps me shop and save $$ (says the math teacher!)

30. Don't wear socks unless you have too

There's my 30. But you know my mantra- Go Big Or Go Home!! So, here's one more that I have been learning throughout the past year-

31. Life is not about making me happy, but it is about making me holy (thankfully they are not mutually exclusive). My decisions need to be made on what I KNOW as truth and not on how I feel.


Anonymous said...

Rachel, you rock. Thanks for sharing! :) - AManda Sand

Anonymous said...

love it! Erin

Sarah said...

Great post Sis! I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Rachel, you inspire me! Wise beyond your years. M. Peacock