Sunday, August 5, 2007

So glad it's over!

So, I took two of my state teaching exams yesterday. It wasn't the greatest. I ran out of time on both of them, and the science test was RIDICULOUS!! So, it wasn't the greatest day, but at least it's over! Yipee! I now get to enjoy a few weeks off before fall semester starts! I plan on doing some lounging by a pool (somewhere) and spending some Q time with my daughter. Speaking of which, she is upstairs complaining in her crib right now (she is supposed to be sleeping for another 30 minutes). I guess I'd better get busy with the mom duties!

1 comment:

Amanda West said...

YAY!! I'm so excited that you started a blog!! Heidi and Sam got me addicted to it - now it's all about finding the time to be able to update it as often as I want to!! ;o)