Tuesday, January 22, 2008

old friends= good times

So, I know that it has been forever since I have posted, and I'm really far behind on what is going on. I will keep my reasons for not posting as often short..
  1. I am still going to school
  2. I am student teaching full time
  3. I have an almost one year old
  4. I have a husband (does that count as another child? hehe!)
  5. I need to start looking for a job
All I have to say is AHHHHHH!! Now that I have had a very appropriate pity party, I will try to get caught up which will make posting seem less over whelming.

I got to reconnect with an old friend from high school (Amanda West) through myspace. She is also the one who got me into this whole blog thing (thanks Amanda!) and the link to her blog is at the side of my page. Anyhoo, she came into town on Christmas and shortly thereafter we got some folks together for an evening at the olde jaol- the favorite Wooster friends reuniting location. Here are some photos.

It was cracking me up to see how our conversations have changed since high school. From boys and drama to babies (including their poop) and drama (hey some things never change!!). I had a BLAST! It was great to see Amanda and to meet Chad.

I also got to briefly stop by Amanda's house for a get together the next evening (kids were invited to this one!) . I was so excited to hold baby Brynn!! Here are some pics from that...

Amanda with Johanna
Me with Brynn
Two mommies!! Holy Cow!!
All in all it was a great couple of days, and I can't wait until the next time!

1 comment:

Amanda West said...

Aww!! Thanks Rachel!! It was so great to see you and to meet Johanna!!