Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life is Sweet...

For some reason I have been feeling especially blessed lately. It is sad that I don't feel this way all the time since I am TRULY VERY BLESSED. Yes, I am still looking for a job. Actually, nothing has really changed, except for my attitude. Through this whole job search process God has constantly been reminding me that he is in control and that all things will happen in his timing. Thankfully he has blessed me with a grateful heart in the process. Not that I don't have my moments (or days) when I am impatient and grumpy about the lack of structure, focus, and organization surrounding my future. However, I have been brought to tears daily with the reminder of how blessed I am- of how truly great I have it. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, supports me 200%, and is truly my best friend. I have a beautiful daughter who is the sunshine in my everyday life. Just looking at her for one second reminds me how blessed I am and how much I LOVE my life. I also have such a wonderful and supportive family. They all play their own intricate and irreplaceable role in my life. I hope they know how much they are loved. I also have fabulous friends who always know when to call and see how things are going or know that maybe I just need to hear a funny story. Things are still hard at times, but ahhhhhh......LIFE IS GOOD.

For those who are picture deprived- here are a few pics from just two days ago. I have the most adorable video of Johanna, but I need to load it to the site.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I LOVE that top picture...how sweet! You look great.