Saturday, April 19, 2008


So, life has been a little bit like a major motion picture lately. Although, I don't think anyone would pay money to see the insanity that is ensuing. All it would do is remind them of how crazy their own life is and they would leave the theater feeling frustrated and depressed. Hmmmm..sounds like a box office blockbuster! Maybe I should call Ron Howard or Steven Spielberg and see if they're busy. Who would I want to play me? Someone with depth and insight, but still humorous, fun, and full of energy (all the things I imagine I am, even if I'm really not). Any suggestions?

Okay, so really things are just coming to a head all at once. I graduate in three weeks (YAY and oh-my-gosh at the same time). Student teaching, job search, and college class responsibilities are all a little overwhelming. It feels like I have three full-time jobs with a salary of $0. Wait, it's actually a negative salary because I had to pay over $5000 this semester so that I could never be on campus and teach full time. I am not saying that student teachers should get paid. It has been such a valuable experience on which I could never put a dollar amount. But, I wouldn't be opposed to some tuition remburssment. Let's not get me started on this or the fact that the state of Ohio is changing their licensure grade bands again. That is for another post ;)

There is also some stuff going on outside of school/ work which makes things tough. My mom's best friend and her hubbie (I call them Aunt Lucy and Uncle Tom) have been going through a lot. Uncle Tom got diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor this past fall. He was able to beat the disease through prayer, faith, and intense radiation procedures. However, we recently found out that the cancer is back and is in his spine. Things don't look too good right now which makes me really sad. I know that the Lord is the great physician and that he can heal, but I also know that sometimes that is not part of His plan. Uncle Tom is younger than my own Dad. He and Aunt Lucy have three kids and their youngest (a boy) is only 14. I want to ask everyone who reads this blog to say a prayer (or many prayers!) for this family. No time-line has been given which I think is a good thing. This situation does help to put other life stresses into perspective.

Johanna continues to be my shining sun! She is such a big girl and loves it when I tell her that she is doing a "big girl" thing. She squeals and smiles every time! She is such a sweetie- a real mama's girl too. Although she just delights in her daddy as well. Every time I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I just look at her and all is right with the world. I can't wait to be home for the summer!!

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