Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why I am changing my name...

If you've ever had "one of those" evenings with your child, then this is the post for you. If you have every wanted to change your name from "mommy" or "daddy" (because of this) then this is the post for you.

The sad thing is that I really spent hardly any time with Jo today. She spent the day with one of her best friends, Katelyn, whose mom graciously agreed to watch her so I could get some work done on the house with a good friend . The day went great. We got a lot done, and I was excited to see Johanna when I went to pick her up at 5:00. Then, it began all over again...life with a 3 year old. She didn't want to come with me from Katelyn's house (of course....I really can't blame her on that one). Then, it was WW3 to get ready for VBS. Yup folks, that's right. I had no child again from 6:30 until 8:30 while she was having a blast at Vacation Bible School. Not only did I not have a child, but I got to spend quality time with a good friend.

When I picked her up from VBS things seemed well. She was her usual 3 year old self (think girl with a curl right in the middle of her forehead), but we had fun on the way home, and she went straight upstairs to get ready for bed (could this be actually happening) at which point she flooded the entire bathroom while I was getting the laundry. I have no words at this point. Let's just say that plugging the sink and letting the water run full blast can make a big mess in a short amount of time (did I mention we are trying to see our house). I don't recommend trying this at home.

I got her in bed in time to try and get all the trash out for tomorrow before I fell over of sheer exhaustion (good thing I had that sixth cup of coffee). I came back in the house to find her at the top of the stairs and needing to go to the bathroom AGAIN. I once again have no words (this is not normal for me).

And so here I sit, writing as she is calling "mommy, mommy, mommy...." needing something that I am SURE she doesn't really need. I think I am changing my name. At least until tomorrow.

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