Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So I decided that instead of wishing for circumstances that lead to blogs about puppies and flowers maybe I should continue my dramatic "angry girl" semi-witty blogging that seems to be so enjoyed by my friends (thanks guys!). I guess this is a very real side of me (having a contempt for the human race) that I don't normally let out until you have known me for awhile. Usually things are all puppies and flowers until the friendship has moved to the "you know way too much about me and I know way too much about you to ever stab you in the back" stage.

I'm not sure what got me thinking about today's agitation of choice, but here it is......

So, I really hate when people find a way to unload serious emotional baggage on you when they know that you have NO WAY to respond to the situation. SERIOUSLY. If you look up "selfish" in the dictionary, I am pretty sure that you will find a picture of such people.

Examples..I know you want examples. Everyone always wants examples (I think that goes along with the teacher side of me. The whole...."I don't care how you do it as long as you can explain it to me or give me an example" thing.).

Example One- People who call you and unload IMPORTANT information when they KNOW that you cannot talk back (i.e. you are with other people that cannot/ should not hear what you are talking about). Seriously folks....people do this to make themselves feel better. They get to say their piece while the other person gets to say "uh-huh, yeah." So they get to feel better and the other person is left feeling like they would rather be licking one of those shards-o-glass freeze pops from the anti-tobacco ads. How about actually calling back when you know the other person can talk. Rocket science, I know.

Example Two- People who send you information by email/txt that you do not know how to respond to. Should you email/txt them back or will that create some sort of drama. Tone can be difficult to detect from an email or txt. Do they want you to write back? Do they want to be left alone? Good GRIEF people...just SAY how the other person can respond. Say- "hey, if you have questions or need to talk about this further you can call me from 2 to 4." Or how about even a simple, "call if you have questions or concerns." DON'T leave people not knowing what their options are b/c it will have them going for a second shards-o-glass freezer pop.

I think that two examples is sufficient for now. I'm sure I will have a new agitation for you soon.

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