Tuesday, August 7, 2007

6 Months Old!!

As promised, here is the six month update for Johanna! The pics above were supposed to go at the end, but I can't figure that out. The first two were taken today after her shots (what a happy girl!)

Her doctors appointment went well. She only cried a little for the shots and then smiled at the nurse before she left the room. It was still not fun as she looked at me like "why are you doing this to me mom!" She doesn't have to do all the vaccines because I have opted not do the ones that I don't believe are necessary. She is growing like a weed! I have always had her doctors appointments right after I feed her, which adds at least a half pound to her weight! However, today was right BEFORE a feeding, so it had been over three hours since she last ate. Well.... the long awaited stats are here! She weighed in at 17 pounds 13 ounces (even on a completely empty tummy!) which is still over the 80th percentile for weight. She is 28 and 1/2 inches long which is off the charts!! She has always been so long! In other news, she is very close to crawling and loves to push herself all the way up on her arms. She has been a rolling fool since 2 months. She still uses rolling and scooting as her main modes of transportation, but I am afraid that will end soon. She is eating all sorts of organic foods. She has fruits, vegetables, baby cereal, and meat (chicken for the first time today w/ an okay from the doctor) all in stage 2 baby food form (or mommy makes it). She eats this grown-up food three times a day now. She is such a happy and friendly baby. She also has two bottom teeth in, and is working on some more. She is so active and loves to play, but tends to observe the situation when lots of people are around. She adds SO much joy to our lives!

On the home front, things are well. Brian started a new job a couple weeks ago. He is working for Priority Air Charter as a dispatcher and also gets planes out for them and such. It is a GREAT Christian company. This job will also enable him to get some more hours (teaching flying lessons), and he could fly full-time for them in the future! The Lord really provided a great job (full benefits) and Brian is loving it! I just finished two rigorous sessions of summer classes. I now have three weeks off before fall semester starts. I will only be gone two days a week this fall (Tuesdays and Thursdays). I will then be student teaching in the winter/ spring which is followed by graduation (May)!! Woohoo! It has been a long and at times difficult road, but the Lord has carried us through! I can't wait to graduate.....then I get to start work for my masters :) Now I just need to pray that I find a job!

Other news- My sister, Sarah, and her family are moving back into the area (in less than a week!) which will be great! She is going to be watching Johanna this fall while I am at school (thanks sis!). Also, Brian's sister Margaret is expecting their third child this January! We are very excited to have another baby around! It is nice that Johanna is going to be able to grow up with all her cousins! I can't wait until they can all play!

I think that is all the new major news. If I think of anything else I am sure that you will hear about it. A big THANK YOU goes out to all our friends and family for their support and love! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!


Sarah said...

What a beautiful girl! (Of course I am her proud aunt so I am a little biased). She is getting so big. I can't wait until we are moved so that I can spend more time with all of you! I reserved the U-Haul today and am busy avoiding all the packing I am supposed to be doing!
Love to all!

Samantha said...

Yay for another blogging mama, and yay for a few weeks off! I'm looking forward to comparing notes with you!