Thursday, August 9, 2007


So, I am utterly exhausted and think that I will be going to bed at the same time as Johanna this evening (8:00!). I have been watching my sisters oldest, Sierra(age 4), while her husband is at work and she is in Michigan packing to move back to the big O! It has been fun and tiring at the same time! She is definitely my sister's daughter (love ya sis!)!!

Johanna is having some problems with possible allergies, so I feel bad for her. Her eyes are red and all watery. Plus, she pooped out of her diaper today all over a cute new outfit I bought! She doesn't "poop out" much since starting solids, but I guess she is still able! Now, not only is it a mess, but it really stinks too!! It is all more than worth it when she shows me her toothy grin and gives me a big snuggle hug. Those are the best!

Baby Ethan's surgery went well today, and it looks like he may get to go home within a week or two. That was very exciting news! Thanks for all the prayers.

So, after the crazy day filled with tornado warnings (with two kiddos in the basement) and poopy butts, all I need is a blanket and a pillow and I am down for the count. Actually, I think that if I lay down on any surface, even without the blanket or pillow, I won't last more than about 10 seconds. As a matter of fact......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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