Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 days to go..

The countdown has begun! Actually, I have been counting down for months, but now it is really almost here. Brian and I leave for vacation this Saturday. Our flight technically leaves Sunday morning (at 7 am), but we are leaving and staying at the airport on Saturday. My parents will take care of Johanna during the week, and Brian's parents will have her over the weekend. We will be gone for about 8 days!

I am so excited, but nervous about leaving Johanna. I am not nervous about her being taken care of or anything. I just hope that she doesn't hate me when we come back. My sis and her hubbie left their oldest (and only at the time) for a week when she was the same age as Johanna. She said that Sierra wouldn't even come to them when they got back! However, she got over it real quick and everything was fine. So, I am mostly excited. I know that it is important for Brian and I to do this together. Ultimately, Johanna rejoices in the strength of our marriage, so this is good for her too. We also figure that this will be our last kid-less vacation for a lloooonnngggg time. I'm sure we'll get a weekend here and there, but not a whole week. Especially a whole week in MEXICO! Woohoo! We are heading back to the same area we honeymooned in 7 years ago. The trip is a graduation present from Brian (thanks sweetie!).

So, we have a rule for vacation- we can only check the Internet once a day (if that), and no long posting or writing. It sounds fair because we both spend too much time on the computer when we could be spending more quality time together. In other words- I will be posting throughout this week, but not as much (if at all) over the week we are on vacation. You might just have to wait to here how fabulous everything was!

Johanna is doing much better. Thanks to everyone for the nice thoughts and well-wishes. I am still working on all my letters. Things are busy getting ready for vacation, and I want to make sure all the letters sound really intelligent and well put together instead of just angry. Maybe I will post them before I send them. We'll see.

Johanna and I are set to have another fun-filled summer day tomorrow. We have been back to our crazy schedule now that she is better. Tomorrow we are planning to visit the splash park. Please pray that Johanna stays healthy this week and throughout our time in Mexico :)