Sunday, June 20, 2010


All I have to say is that Johanna's "rest time" = my sanity time. Example of my daily day long conversations-

Me- "Johanna, you play while mommy cleans up the kitchen from breakfast."

Jo- Plays for 1 minute. Then, "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy..."

Me- After checking to make sure that all is ok, "Johanna, stop calling me. I hear you, but you need to be patient while mommy finishes what she is doing."

Jo- Goes back to playing for a minute or two. Then, mommy, mommy, mommy,
mommy, mommy,mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy..."

Me- "What do you need Johanna" (maybe a little more annoyed then my typing conveys)

Jo- "What are ya doing"

Me- "Dishes"

Jo- "Why?"

Me- "Because they are dirty and Mommy doesn't like messes"

Jo- "Why?"

Me- "Because mommy wants to be able to relax later"

Jo- "Why?"

Me- "Johanna, because mommy gets tired... like I am tired of talking right now. You need to play by yourself for a little while so mommy can finish what she is doing. You can choose to obey, or you can choose to have consequences for disobeying."

Jo- "ok mommy"

A few minutes pass.....

Jo- "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...."



Amanda West said...

Brynn's the same way right now!!!!!!

Samantha said...

So is Sofie...and it's even more "fun" when there's another one unsteadily clinging to your legs while you're trying to do everything. Motherhood can certainly be irritating!

Randy and Janna said...

You painted the perfect picture of what a day with a preschooler/toddler is like! :) Thanks for the laugh. We get so irritated sometimes but couldn't possibly live life without them!