Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What to say...

Good news blog- I don't have much to say! That is extremely good news for me because it means that things have been a bit more calm lately. I so appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers as I have been and continue to go through such a stressful time. I have never been more thankful for my family and friends. It is always interesting to see who really comes through to be there for you when push comes to shove. Sometimes it's not who you would expect and the people you would expect to be there are nowhere to be found.

I do have one things to talk about. I have been helping out with middle school volleyball conditioning this past week. Today was my second time helping. I have been having the girls do some P90X workouts to get in-shape for the upcoming season. Mostly, I have been watching to see some dedication and REAL effort. On Monday, I had the girls do the Cardio X workout. It's not too bad, but nothing in P90X is easy (I know some of you know this!). Today I had them do the mother of all workouts- Plyometrics. It is a KILLER workout. I am happy to report that most of the girls tried pretty hard. They were exhausted at the end. I don't quite think they get the point of trying to push themselves, but we'll keep working on that. We probably could have had a slip-n-slide on the gym floor with all the sweat. I was literally sliding around during the cool down. Are knees supposed to sweat? I looked like I had just gotten out of the shower. It was very attractive.

The SAD thing is that I (who haven't worked out hard core in several months) could run those girls into the ground (and I told/showed them so). What is happening to our youth that an almost 30 year old is in better shape than a group of middle schoolers? A lot of them look like they should be in good shape, but then they putter out about 1/4 of the way through. I remember spending my middle school summers running around outside, riding my bike everywhere, and staying out late to play flashlight tag. Maybe I should be thanking my parents for never letting me play video games, giving me tv coupons (so I could only watch so much tv a week), and paying me extra allowance to watch NO tv and read extra books for one month out of each summer (way to go Dad!).

I hereby promise to make Johanna ride her bike to friends houses so they can play OUTSIDE. I promise to make her use tv coupons and stick to it even when she is driving me insane whining about wanting to watch a show when the coupons are gone. I promise that she will be able to outrun me when she is in middle school (I will be almost 40 then....AHHHHH). I promise that someone will need to remind me of these promises!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hereby hold you to your promises :-)